January 22, 2012

Diamonds CUT

Precious diamond cutting is the practice of changing gemstones from a tough diamond into faceted gemstones.

Only One “C” from 4c’s in the hand of human or Artisan Its CUT, The cut of a precious stone represents how the artisan boost the functions of the diamond by developing perspectives and information, generating the gentle go into the precious stone and recovery in the most amazing way possible.

The cut of a GIA diamond determines its brilliance. There is no single measurement of a diamond that defines its cut, but rather a collection of measurements and observations that determine the relationship between a diamond's light performance, dimensions and finish. Most diamonds price depends on Diamonds cuts Cause CUT is the single most important factor affecting a diamond's sparkle, brilliance and visual fire.

Type of Cut

In GIA Certified diamond cut is the most critical of the 4Cs because it’s what gives the diamond its brilliance, sparkle, and fire – the diamond’s three main attributes.

Ideal Cut: - 

An Ideal cut has a specific set of guidelines defining the proportions that give a diamond the highest level of fire and brilliance. When a diamond is cut to good proportions, light is reflected from one facet to another and then dispersed through the top of the stone.

Cut too deep: -

If the cut of the diamond is too deep, some light escapes through the opposite side of the pavilion.
Cut too shallow: - 

If the cut is too shallow, light escapes through the pavilion before it can be reflected.

January 20, 2012

Diamond Grade

When purchasing certified diamonds it is important to understand the diamond grading criteria used by the laboratories performing the certification like GIA diamond, EGL diamond etc.

Diamonds quality depends on diamond grading aspects like 4C’s Cut, Clarity, Color, Carat weight.


These stones have no imperfections inside or on the outside of the stone under the magnification of a loupe of 10 powers.

IF-Internally Flawless

These stones have no inclusions under a loupe with a 10 power magnification.

VVS1, VVS2-Very Very Slightly Imperfect

These stones have very small inclusions which are very difficult to see under a loupe with a 10 power magnification.

VS1, VS2-Very Slightly Imperfect

These stones have small inclusions which are slightly difficult to difficult to see under a loupe with a 10 power magnification.

SI1, SI2-Slightly Imperfect

These stones have inclusions which are fairly easy to see under a loupe with a 10 power magnification, or visible to the naked eye.

I1, I2, I3-Imperfect

These stones have inclusions which range from eye visible to very easily seen to the naked eye.

January 17, 2012

Diamond Cost

How Diamond Cost is Determined

If you're in the market to buy a diamond, you will learn about the 4 Cs of diamonds, color, clarity and carat. But in the mind of the average buyer, there is a fifth "C" may be the most important one is cost of diamonds.

The real diamonds prices is determined by the classification system, which takes account of the diamond cut, color, clarity and the amount of carats. This is a non-profit organization called the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), which drew up a formal system of classification for diamonds, which is more-carat diamond can cost less than a smaller if the diamond is cut larger than, clarity or color ratings. The cost is determined by the dealer.

Buy Online Diamonds

The Internet offers a wealth of information on diamonds, to educate buyers about the value of diamonds based on size, shape and clarity and fortunately, the diamond costs regulated by industry guidelines. This means you can shop for your online diamond gems with as much confidence as you shop for jewelry at your local dealer, especially if you take the time to familiarize them with the cost of the diamond before you begin your quest for the perfect stone.

Diamond Cost Guide

Each dragonfly set their own prices for their gems, rings, necklaces and other items. When dealing with a cost of diamonds, it also depends on the shape of the diamond. A "round brilliant" shape will tend to cost more than "Princess cut diamonds" form even when they are of the same quality and size.

Get more for your money Diamond

When you are researching the diamonds prices, there are several factors to consider something more than the size of the diamond. Remember that the shape (cut) diamond will greatly affect the cost of diamond and diamonds clarity. You can get several small diamonds for less cost than a diamond can be larger due to the shortage of mining diamonds larger size. Sometimes a diamond will be beautiful to the eye, and a reasonable cost of diamonds, but may have a lower score than the quality or tone given by the GIA. When shopping for your diamond, you will have to decide what is most important to you, the cost of diamonds, diamond cutting, quality (Certified Diamonds), or how it looks when worn!

January 10, 2012

Diamond History

The history of diamonds (Without latest trend GIA certified Diamond ) varies widely depending on your source of documentation, as diamond history is as rich in myths and folklore, as in physical facts and records. The history of the diamond is one filled with mythical stories, like the one where snakes guarded a land full of diamonds, and the story has fascinated people for romance and beauty that surround our most precious jewels of diamonds.

Early Diamond History

Around 3000 years ago in the country, India, was the first diamond ever recorded history. If diamonds were found before this period, we have no written proof that the diamonds in this day and age were used for two main purposes, and is quite different, why we still love diamonds today. Diamonds as a talisman to ward off evil spirits and to provide protection during battles, and they were also assessed for their ability to reflect light.

Dark Ages of Diamond History

It is during the dark ages that the diamond history moved into having some sort of medical purpose. St Hilda Grade said the written anecdote to heal wounds and treat diseases that gave her bad to keep a diamond in your hand and makes the sign of the cross. Some people in diamond history went as far as swallowing diamonds, hoping it would improve their illnesses magically.

Middle Ages of Diamond History

It 'was during the middle ages that diamonds began to gain popularity It is this point in diamond history that many of the famous diamonds were discovered, including the Blue Hope and the mountain of light, as found in India. Our modern times, India remains the world's most beautiful diamond polishing and diamonds clarity.

During the middle Ages also saw a change in the history of the past, the certified diamonds were valued for their mythical powers, they began to appreciate more of their total value. As more and more people got to know the incredible value of diamonds, mine owners began to spin stories that diamonds were poisonous, preventing workers from swallowing diamonds as a way to smuggle out of the mines undetected.

Also during this period of diamond history, people wanted diamonds more than any other period in the past, mainly because they felt their power and values. Supply of GIA Certified diamonds in India was decreasing and was able to meet the demands of buyers of diamonds. South Africa to find diamonds and Certified diamond in USA near the Orange River begins world's largest diamond rush of diamond history, and helped to meet the diamonds they want for themselves.

More Recently

Diamond history began to spread into eastern Australia sometime during the middle of the nineteenth century.  During the late 1970's, Australia as a diamond and GIA Diamond producer became validated.  Also in the late 1970's, 1979 to be exact, the Argyle pipe near Lake Argyle was discovered by geologists.  Since that day, Argyle has become the absolute largest producer of diamonds in the entire world and throughout diamond history, and produces over one third of the diamond volume each year.

Diamond Flaws and Inclusions

Internal Diamond Flaws

When a diamond is considered to have a flaw, it is an imperfect gem stone. Something about the diamond did not form correctly, or there are imperfections in the stone. Defects and inclusions in GIA diamond are often not visible to the average person, and you should not worry about the small inclusions that occur in most diamonds. There are diamonds in fact very little that can be labeled "perfect", and if placed in the category of flawless diamond inclusions, it is likely that the certified diamond is very expensive!

There are a few inclusions that cause a diamond to appear a little dull. The inclusion in the diamond trade can affect the diamond clarity because the light passes through the stone; it is intercepted by the integration. Many of these defects and inclusions can be reduced or fixed with different types of treatment processes gemologists and jewelers have learned to do over the years.

Defects in diamonds and other inclusions may be large enough to cause the weakness of gems and stones may break or crack more easily than a stone without weakness. These are the mistakes you want to be careful because they reduce the Diamonds prices.

Pinpoint Inclusions

When a GIA Certified diamond is dotted with dark crystals in groups or scattered in stone, is said to form Gavea defects and inclusions of diamond called inclusions identified. If the dark crystals are grouped into the stone, the GIA diamond is clear and seems to have a "cloud" inside the stone. These types of defects and inclusions in diamonds may cause the diamond to a lower value, largely because the effects of appearance.

Problems from Laser Treatments

When an imperfect diamond is treated with lasers to remove the shortcomings of black diamond and inclusions inside the stone is sometimes a line back through the diamond much like a wire. The laser line begins at the outer edge of the diamond, and moves inside the area where the dark inclusion was treated by laser. These defects in diamond and inclusions are unsightly and easily spotted by most people, making the diamond less desirable.

Mineral and Crystal Inclusions

While most diamond flaws and inclusions are negative, there are cases where defects of the diamond and the inclusions are indeed a remarkable aspect of your diamond! For example, typically have small crystals of diamond within the diamond, often so small that they can not be seen without some sort of magnification device. The clarity of the diamond can be made by these crystals, if enough of them and if they are all gathered in one area of the diamond.

There are few cases where another precious stone is actually inside a diamond, and certainly can not be considered a defect in the diamond or inclusion. For example, if you had a ruby or emerald that was surrounded by a diamond, you would see that as a non-defective piece of jewelry!

January 08, 2012

Diamond Clarity

What is Diamond Clarity?

Diamond clarity is a measure of the errors found in and outside of a diamond. The less flawed a diamond is, the greater its value and the higher diamonds prices. There are very few diamonds which can be classified as having no errors at all, but most of the errors of diamonds can not be seen without magnification of at least 10 times. Because the problems with clarity of GIA diamonds are often overlooked when looking at a diamond, some people believe that this is one of the least of their concerns when selecting a diamond to buy.

How is the clarity of diamond determined?

The most famous diamond clarity is done by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). It ranks diamonds based on a rating system established which ranges from flawless diamonds, diamonds imperfect, with many different grade ranges in between.. The GIA certified diamonds is more expensive a diamond as it sold more value.

Types of inclusions that Effect Diamond Clarity

Inclusions are flaws that effect certified diamond clarity. They ensure that the diamond is not "perfect" and that there are visual imperfections within the gemstone. Most defects are not yet visible to the naked eye and can only be seen at high power levels.

There are names for the most common inclusions. The clarity of the diamond-like carbon effects, because they are very small black dots on the surface of a diamond, which may or may not be visible in regular lighting. Some may be so small that you need the extension to see them. Pinpoints affect diamond clarity because they are white dots along the surface of a diamond. Pinpoints are the most common of all diamond flaws. Effect of clouds diamond clarity because they cause what appears to be cloudy areas in the gemstone. The clouds are actually composed of many growths of crystals that are placed close together on the diamond, and its proximity to others is what causes the disease to appear. Diamond Feathers clear effect causing cracks to form in the diamond, which look like broken glass.

Clarity Enhancements

Diamonds clarity flaws can often be fixed or reduced by the use of a variety of treatments to improve clarity. Some diamonds are painted, some get the laser to remove and identify the carbon atoms, and some diamonds undergo a process by which small holes are drilled into the diamond to reach areas of the inclusions in the stone, and later, cracks are filled with molten glass. After making improvements to enhance the clarity of a diamond diminishes the total diamonds prices, but it can improve its appearance. Diamond Certificates must indicate that improvements have been made on the diamond, so ask to see documentation before making a purchase. While most enhancements just cause the diamond nicer, some may cause the diamond to be weaker and more prone to rupture of a diamond that has had no treatment. as it sold more value.

January 05, 2012

Diamond Carat

What is Diamond Carat Weight?

When shopping for a diamond, you've probably heard references to 4Cs of GIA diamonds. Diamond carat is one of the popular "Cs" to consider when evaluating a diamond, and is a term used to describe how much the diamond weighs. One diamond carat is equal to the weight of 200 grams or 0.2 milligrams.

Diamonds are described two ways in relation to carat diamond. An abbreviation of "CT" is used to describe the weight of a single certified diamonds stone while an abbreviation of "ct TW" is used to describe the total weight of an entire piece of jewelry.

It's important to recognize that two stones may have the exact same carats, meaning they have the same weight measurement, and yet they are completely different in size and appearance.  This is a real jewel in the density. Dense stone, weighing more than they have, and sometimes a small stone actually weighs more than a larger stone, because the density.

The value of the diamond is done by weight.

When selecting a GIA certified diamond ring, you can choose from princess cut engagement rings, round brilliant diamonds and more. The value of carat diamond solitaire in fact if you buy more than one ring, two diamonds, which add up to one carat or larger. Bigger diamonds are rarely found when mining diamonds, making them more valuable and more expensive than buying the same amount of carats of diamond with smaller stones. Diamonds prices depend on diamonds weight and diamonds shapes like Princess Cut Diamonds, round brilliant diamonds, solitaire diamonds.

Select Diamond Carat

So how do you determine what size diamond to buy? Do you want a GIA diamonds carat 1 or 2, or want a ring with several smaller stones? The answer to this question depends largely on your budget, and the person who will use the ring.

A diamond will focus more on a slender finger, so keep that in mind if the recipient of the ring has thin hands. The current measurement carat diamond is not likely that much of the concern that the appearance, shape and setting of the ring. Especially since a diamonds ring 1 carat not see half the size of a ring 2 carat diamond, which is much more important to choose a ring that is pleasing to the eye the possibility of buying one with most carats you can afford.

Discover how much money you spend, and decided to cut a diamond. Once you have these two small details, you can start the diamonds in the price range, the style you want, and find out what you're carats of diamonds on the market to buy.

January 03, 2012

Diamond Care

Ways to Clean your Diamond

There are a few different ways you can provide the care your precious diamond jewelry, especially, there are a variety of cleaning processes, you can keep it looking as bright and shiny as the day you brought home from the jeweler!

Although there are many cleaning procedures that can be done from home, remember that you can almost always return to the jewelry store where you purchased the GIA diamonds and get a professional cleaning or you want to maintain your Clarity Diamonds. Useful when you used clarity methods depends on your diamonds shape like round brilliant diamonds, princess cut diamonds and more.

Detergent bath

The most commonly used certified diamonds care is cleaning your diamond in a mild hot water bath detergent. Fill a bowl of warm water and add mild detergent, you have in your home. Some people use a dish detergent, while others use a mild detergent bath. Use a toothbrush or eyebrow in clarity diamonds methods. Gently brush your diamond with a water solution to loosen dirt and oil that has found its way to your diamond. Then rinse your diamond by placing it in a strainer (careful to choose a strainer with holes smaller than your diamond!) And run it under warm water to remove all the soap. Never use bleach to clean your jewelry, the soap is too harsh.


There are many cleaning products on the market care diamond. Select one and follow the instructions carefully to soak your diamond in the cleanest. Once you have dropped your jewelry in the cleaner, do not want to touch the certified diamonds, because the oils from your fingers can be easily transferred to your diamond. Let dry completely and re-use or storage.

Soak in cold water

Diamond care also includes a process called "cold soak". Fill the bowl half solution of cold water and household ammonia medium. Put the diamond must be clean and leave to soak for at least 30 minutes. When you switch off, touch the jewelry around the mounting brackets and then swish it around your new solution of cold water final rinse. You can set out to dry on a sheet of tissue paper.

Ultrasonic Cleaning

You can provide diamond care with the purchase of an ultrasound machine cleaning. These machines have a cup that you fill with water and detergent, and the place to put the jewels.Once you turn on the ultrasonic cleansing unit, it uses high speed motion to clean dirt and oils off your GIA diamonds ring.

Storing Diamonds

Another important consideration care diamond is how to keep your diamonds when not in use. Diamonds are gemstones that can scratch other diamonds or other jewelry, so it is recommended that you place them in a jewelry box or jewelry case with other, unless you wrap the individual with diamonds paper. The best way to provide care for diamonds and store your diamond is to place the piece of jewelry in a jewelry box lined in fabric or larger case that individual partition, each lined with fabric to protect each piece.

January 02, 2012

Jewelry Lab Certificates and Appraisals

The Difference between Jewelry Lab Certificates and Appraisals
Most people have both jewelry lab certificates and appraisals for their valuable jewelry, but the two documents are not one in the same. They serve different purposes and contain a different set of information that is useful for owners of jewelry, as well as for people looking to buy new jewelry.

Jewelry Lab Certificates and evaluation is often associated, but the laboratory certificate is a document describing information about an unmounted gems, like a diamond that has not been resolved to the jewelry, while the evaluation provides detailed information on the market value of a piece of jewelry, whether seconded or is already defined as a ring, earrings or necklace example.

Choosing Labs and Appraisals

When selecting jewelry and Certified diamonds laboratory evaluations are jewels that are going to buy, you should choose an independent company that provides such documents, rather than relying on documents created by the company that you plan to buy jewelry. Otherwise, you face potential or laboratory surveyor may be biased, because they benefit from the sale of jewelry and certified diamonds.

If you already have a gem laboratory certificates and current assessments of the jewels, but the accuracy is uncertain, it can be useful items to be re-evaluated what their current market value.

Jewelry Lab Certificates

Lab certificates jewels are written reports that detail dismantled stone rather than finished pieces of jewelry. The certificates contain information on diamonds (or other precious stones) cut and shape and color of the stone and clarity of GIA diamonds grades as decided by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). Lab certificates contain information on the carat weight and size of diamonds, in view of the corner stone.

Once the lab certificate has been established, do not change unless the stone is physically abused or at a later date as the gem stone was assessed correctly the first time.

Jewelry Appraisals

The reason a people obtain certificates jewelry and laboratory evaluations are to document the U.S. dollar on the diamond, whether for personal investment or just to have a physical folder with precious stones insurance purposes. It is also good to have evidence if you ever decide to sell your jewelry at a later time, or pass it on to family members.

And 'the old wise to be estimated at random precious jewel is stolen, or if you are going through a divorce or estate settlement. Before you buy a new diamond engagement rings, you can also get that he hoped to get a good idea of what the market value of the piece, before shelling out large sums of money to pay, but it is worth asking a piece of money.